RIP Glenda Jackson–the Charlotte Corday for our times. (and remember that, for Bastille Day quiz of 7/14/23)

Today I learned that the world has lost one of our best people: Glenda Jackson. A person who not only walked the talk (served as Member of Parliament, shunned celebrity, made a difference, played King Lear!) but also did so with courage and intensity. Rest in Peace, Glenda Jackson. And long live all the women who do and will continue to follow her path! I personally am inspired, sad too, but mostly determined to live like her. Now. (In my own quiet yet steely way–back to the sewing machine for RARE quilt no. 5*, then T’ai chi in the Wu Form**, and on and on we go.)

Full obit here.

p.s. remember Jackson’s incredible work as Charlotte Corday for the upcoming Bastille Day Quiz on July 14!

  • *for RARE (Roosevelt High School Alumni for Racial Equity) scholarship recipient, 5th in the series!
  • ** as taught by Grandmaster John S.S. Leong and Sie-jieh Paula Nelson at the Seattle Kung Fu Club.
  • Au boulot!

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